Christina secures a job with help from her Path to Employment mentor

A year ago, Christina was a bartender transitioning out of the service industry when she came into DFSA for a professional clothing package to go alongside her career shift. Christina grew up in foster care from the age of 7 to 21 and once she aged out of the system in Austin, she got her college paid for and went on to work with nonprofits who let her know about DFSA services early on in her career.

Most recently, Christina completed our Path to Employment program where mentor Michael helped her find a new role. Over the six-week program, she worked closely with Michael on her resume, cover letter and job applications. Christina shares, “The most important thing I took out of this experience was the genuine relationship between my mentor and myself that really uplifted my view on life.”

Christina also commented that the program improved her confidence and opened her eyes to her self worth which transitioned into both her professional and social life. As for her mentor, Christina describes Michael as “one of the most selfless people I have ever met. All he wants is to see other people be successful and happy. He will dedicate all the time he has to ensure you have anything and everything you need to feel supported.” She values how Michael prioritized her job needs throughout the program and became a role model who she bonded with outside of her professional goals - the two share a common interest in technology and cars.

She continues, “I honestly believe we were destined to meet and that he was truly meant to guide me in this part of my life. I feel like he pulled me up completely when I felt stuck looking for jobs. Michael has went out of his way countless times to network with me and introduce me to some great people that have similar interests as well as stepping stones to help me reach my destination.”

After the program, Christina secured a software account executive position and is happy in a role she envisioned for herself. Christina hopes to inspire other women who might need career support or guidance with these tips:

  • Confidence is everything.

  • Never be afraid to ask for help or step out of your comfort zone to grow.

  • Surround yourself among a diverse group of people who can empower you to reach your goals.

  • Set a routine for your mental and physical health.

  • Consistency brings results.

  • For anybody who has faced adversity whether that be in foster care, experiencing homelessness or those in recovery, the worst experiences can be the most humbling and will give you grit no one else will ever have.

“I used to have so much anxiety even looking at jobs. I wouldn’t even think to apply. I felt frozen and stuck, but this feeling no longer exists.”


2023 Impact Report


Brenda starts a new career following Path to Employment mentorship